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Photo: Heikki Siltala

ebony oriental shorthair (OSH n)
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* more than 40 x best in show in 6 different countries *
*  best agility cat 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006*
* Cat of the Year 2004 *
* Best breeding male year 2006 *

Pomo is a cat with enough energy and personality for at least five cats. He just craves for attention and loves cat shows and cat agility performances. At shows he is usually extremely talkative and just wants to kiss everybody and be cuddled. At home Pomo is a very sweet guy that can spend hours in your lap having a little "chat". 


Pomo is a cat with only two modes, ON or OFF.
Pomo ON:

Photo: Jan Nyström

Pomo OFF:

more pictures of Pomo

Comments from judges:

"Excellent, stunning" 
(David Mare)

"A beutiful devil"
(Alva Uddin)

"Very sexy and very sweet" 
(Dorte Kaae)

"I love you!"
(Kristiina Rautio)

"Very crazy"
(Wendel Stoop)

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